Monday, May 2, 2011

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obituary for the godfather of global terror

published under the title "terrorist limit consumption" in the MFD, 5 5th 2011

After Carlos "the Jackal", Abu Nidal left more deserving of the godfather of world terrorism. Unlike the first-mentioned, who is serving life in a French prison, the remaining two have probably met close to the infernal boilers. All three of them won their time almost mythical halo of dangerous characters - but hand on heart: Who today the "Jackal, Abu Nidal, and remember how often in recent years, Osama bin Laden appeared for the first media sites?

Many circumstantial evidence would suggest that if bin Laden alive at all (by which I personally doubt for several years), his influence, as well as the importance of a sophisticated terrorist network al-Qaeda apparently declined. The frequency of his earlier speeches and frequent dropped almost to zero and the global risk of attacks by al-Qaeda in recent years has also noticeably reduced (this is mainly related to the publicized attacks on the sites "that are interesting" - ie. Especially those in the West - In the Muslim world, such as the importance of the Maghreb and the murderous activities of al-Qaeda and their supporters have not declined nearly as dramatically - only this world too neinteresovalo).

While every terrorist organization had demarcated their time in history, and most of them experienced their longer or shorter period of gloomy glory, then fell into stagnation or crumbled or been scattered. Although al-Qaeda from a somewhat more durable than many of their pastry predecessors, is not at all inconceivable that a similar fate as he meets her. In part due to its weakness in charge of counter-terrorism measures, but some of her "weakness" as a result of incorrect calculation of its strength. Al-Qaeda has long been a very dangerous organization (or franchising rather terrorist networks), but never reached (and that includes the "radical Islamism") or fraction danger of totalitarian regimes like Nazism or Communism. And even as Bin Laden - through the rivers of blood on his conscience - has never been "modern Hitler, "as it many contemporary politicians and commentators have tried to present a variety of reasons (whether from ignorance of the context and events in the Middle East, the political-ideological reasons).

Osama bin Laden was a product of particular times and circumstances. Not the end of the Cold War, where he found myself in the right place at the right time (that is, the Soviets occupied Afghanistan), would probably never have it until later. It is a particular paradox that today the liquidators if Osama bin Laden this man helped to gain prestige and combat spurs. A pragmatic policy mudžáhedínům U.S. assistance to Afghanistan at the end of the Cold War, when these Islamist fighters, including Osama, fought for the U.S. "proxy war" with the Soviet Union has been described tons of paper. Likewise also that many of them became members of the al-Qaeda, Taliban and the various dangerous organizations. Work was the U.S. support for radical Islamists due to certain political naivete, but the work bore fruit just defeat something far more dangerous (communism) than what would later become radical Islamism. In this regard, the (slightly cynically speaking), so Americans may have their blind support for any anti-communist and probably worth it. Peoples said: "Vytloukli a second lap - but much smaller.

Bin Laden's life and death are always accompanied by concerns about attracting and creator of various conspiracy theories. Why not be disposed of at the time shortly before 11 September, which was very dangerous, but still easily trappable? As will be explained by his incredible slip from the rock encircled the Tora Bora complex? How is it possible that all the sophistication of war, American intelligence-machine about it for ten years was "inaudible" to be eventually discovered in a villa in the vicinity of the cruise of Pakistan's elite military academy a few tens of kilometers from the capital city? Why was his body was allegedly thrown into the sea?

Be that as it may, the majority of infidels, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims after his death, has every right to breathe easily. Most probably the last of those - those Bin Laden, who claimed to be a self-proclaimed "model of good Muslim" - their actions certainly did a disservice. But now it is probably in hell, and maybe there is a constellation of his death in combination with the revolutionary events in the Islamic world, heralding a further positive changes in the Muslim world in general. Hopefully.

Some interesting current articles to Bin Laden and Al-Kai de:

PEW - Bin Laden Largely Discredited Among the Public in Recent Years (2 May 2011)

BBC - Bin Laden Killed (a series of articles and analysis)


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