Monday, May 30, 2011

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First Iron Lady: a review of the book "Gold"

released in MFDnes Cafe - 28 5th 2011

Emet Publishing picked up the translation of a relatively new publication, published by the American journalist and historian Elinor Burkettová in 2008. This work is surprisingly one of the few biographers, who has a single Israeli premiérce came out. Meir herself wrote his autobiography in 1975, three years before his death. Since it was published a few rather small memorial publications, for example, from the pen of her son, Menachem. Otherwise, however, Golda Meir, of course, occurs in chapters many political science works on the Middle East affairs. We were also able to see it manifested in several films about the Middle East - the best known in this country is probably Steven Spielberg film Munich (2005). It also illustrates the key role of Meir in the context of Israel's actions a terrorist associated with the massacre of Israeli Olympic athletes in Munich in 1972.

woman among men

Meir was Israel and perhaps even world history truly unique character. This is partly related with the fact that one of the first women to achieve such a high political post. There is no doubt that male macho environment where policies required to be very strong and capable personalities. And if we look at Israel as a Western-type democracy, was actually the first Prime Minister Meir at the head of the Western World (West paradoxically ahead a few years, the former colonial countries - in Sri Lanka and the Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaiková India and Indira Gandhi). This was one of the reasons why Prime Minister talked Ben-Gurion of Minister Meir as "a single man in my Cabinet."

Burkettové work is the de facto first processing of Golda Meir's personality from the outside. But it is perhaps a pity that Burkettová - although historian - wrote rather journalist and is not primarily its focus Chartered Middle East (most of her previous work was very different topics). It is so obvious, that if it in writing ahead of such biographies premiérčiny present a major Israeli historian - like Tom Segev - the book would seem from a conceptual point of view looked very different. Burkettové biographical style is more fictional places and perhaps pathetic, so it is quite clear from major aktérce book. On the other hand, in the book we find some of the critical passages. They are not so much connected with the period after the Yom Kippur War of 1973, when the head descended premiérčinu probably the biggest wave of criticism, which finally has itself gone from politics, but such with her position with religious Jews and the Jewish religious tradition. To understand: The Czech Republic is today one of Europe's most prominent supporters of Israel, especially the Czech political right. About Gold talked a long time before Margaret Thatcher as the "Iron Lady". However, the understanding of these concepts among Czechs in connection with Israel fooled. Israel was born largely out of the atheist-socialist ideals Labour Zionism and Golda Meir was the epitome. "Iron Lady" Meir was the symbol of conservatism and right as the British prime minister. On the contrary - the youths were convinced left-wing Zionist, kibbutzniks and union. It's so much more accurate linking it with a "small leftist and socialist Israel" before 1967 than later-nationalist right-wing establishment "Greater Israel". His term began in 1977, the first-ever victory for the Israeli right and left going into opposition. Perhaps with the exception of prime ministers Menachem Begin and Ariel Sharon as well Israel marked the beginning of the end of the charismatic political figures earlier generation of founding fathers like Ben Gurion, Moshe Dayan and Golda Meir right.

What is missing

In conclusion, we must add that otherwise readable book would benefit from an illustrated appendix and maps, as well as index, as the text is packed with important direct and less familiar names. Index would have increased the value of books and turn to something more Czech help confused readers in Middle East affairs oriented.

also strongly hope that in our published series of classic works and biographies associated with Israel (Martin Gilbert's books, biographies of Ariel Sharon, Golda Meir) and translations of historiographical works of former Israeli politicians (book by Chaim Herzog and Shlomo Ben Amiho) complement our publishers early date as well as books by contemporary Israeli historians. The works of scientists such as Tom Segev, Hillel Cohen, Idith Zertalová and others in our market significantly lacking. This makes it difficult to Czech readers make their opinions on Middle Eastern affairs from the viewpoint of "Nestor", but also the critical eyes of professionals.


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