Friday, December 12, 2008

Spanish Painting By Barbara Weber

Secrets creation paintings only palette knife. Artist Rybakow. In this article: Difference between acrylic and oil paints for creation paintings.

Difference between acrylic and oil paints for creation of paintings. Though these two materials also serve one purpose - to a paint as them of paintings - however properties of these paints absolutely different.
I had periods when I very much took a great interest acrylic in paints for a writing of paintingque paintings. It seemed to me that ideally and about an oil paint and to think it is possible to forget.
 And that is why:
acrylic the paint quickly dries

has no characteristic smell

it is quickly washed off from hands

acrylic a paint it is possible (and it is necessary) to plant with water

and one more important feature acrylic - having put the necessary layer on a painting canvas it is possible to wait for a paint a little and it is possible to put repeatedly the following correcting layer (in oil paintings such to make it is rather problematic)
All seems remarkably and that else I am necessary for a happy :-) life For comparison I will give an example two my pictures about one plan: one picture is written acrylic by a paint, other picture - oil. On my Gallery-site there are more detailed (increased) details of these paintings to look them it is possible here and here .
written by oil painting though and it is much more difficult to write paintings - but oil painting has obvious advantages in comparison with acrylic painting. Colours of oil painting brighter, much more sated

if to look at a painting at a short distance that a painting written acrylic a paint it seems simply flat. And dabs of oil painting (especially at creation of paintings with the help acrylic ) a volume, thick in thick and "generous" paint coat. It is easy for seeing in the description to any my picture on my Gallery-site (

acrylic a paint "young enough" paint (it is invented and introduced in broad masses not so long ago) and creating your "masterpiece" nobody will give you guarantees as this acrylic a paint will lead herself in due course
And the oil paint for a writing of oil painting is checked up by centuries! But the oil paint for a writing of oil paintings on a canvas was not as though good - unfortunately it has in my opinion and lacks:
after the work termination ...

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