How to professionally photograph painting - more than 15 secrets!
To photograph it is necessary from a support. Any photo or video a support.
At photographing from a support necessarily use "automatic release". For those who does not know: "automatic release" is such mode of the camera when the camera photographs not at once, and in some seconds after you have pressed the shutter button. So you will save pictures from trembling of your hands and accordingly bad photos.
The camera should be precisely on the centre of painting and necessarily perpendicularly surface of painting. Otherwise painting will become a trapeze.
It is not necessary to photograph painting at a short distance (there will be strong geometrical distortions). It is better to depart far away and to "approach" photographed object with the help "Zoom" telephoto lens (approach). If this function, of course, is at your camera.
To photograph better at a daylight - usual lamps of illumination give a yellow shade. Therefore, take out painting on street (the balcony or a loggia will approach) is better. But consider, that on a balcony illumination non-uniform, and light usually is on the one hand. Therefore it is desirable to put sideways from painting the big blank leaf of a paper or a white fabric. Light from street will be reflected from white and will create additional illumination for painting. As a result the general illumination will be more uniform.
Ideal variant of illumination - in the afternoon, in the street, in cloudy weather.
Light should not fall from the photographer, is better ....
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