Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Masculine Pantless Parties
To photograph it is necessary from a support. Any photo or video a support.
At photographing from a support necessarily use "automatic release". For those who does not know: "automatic release" is such mode of the camera when the camera photographs not at once, and in some seconds after you have pressed the shutter button. So you will save pictures from trembling of your hands and accordingly bad photos.
The camera should be precisely on the centre of painting and necessarily perpendicularly surface of painting. Otherwise painting will become a trapeze.
It is not necessary to photograph painting at a short distance (there will be strong geometrical distortions). It is better to depart far away and to "approach" photographed object with the help "Zoom" telephoto lens (approach). If this function, of course, is at your camera.
To photograph better at a daylight - usual lamps of illumination give a yellow shade. Therefore, take out painting on street (the balcony or a loggia will approach) is better. But consider, that on a balcony illumination non-uniform, and light usually is on the one hand. Therefore it is desirable to put sideways from painting the big blank leaf of a paper or a white fabric. Light from street will be reflected from white and will create additional illumination for painting. As a result the general illumination will be more uniform.
Ideal variant of illumination - in the afternoon, in the street, in cloudy weather.
Light should not fall from the photographer, is better ....
read full article on a site artist Rybakow ( ) Articles about painting, secrets creation paintings Artist Valery Rybakow
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Bridal Shower Recipes/invitations
Shooting must be conducted with a tripod. You can use any photo or video tripod.
a tripod must use the "timer". For those who do not know: "Timer" - it is a camera mode when photographing apparatus not once, but after a few seconds after you press the shutter button. So you will save images from the shake of your hands and, accordingly, the bad photos.
camera should be exactly in the center of the picture and always perpendicular to the surface of the painting. Otherwise, the picture becomes a trapezoid.
Do not photograph picture at close range (any strong geometric distortions). It is better to go away and bring "the object being photographed using the "Zoom" (approximation) telephoto lens. If this feature is, of course, is your camera.
Shooting is best done in daylight - the usual lighting lamps give a yellow tinge. Therefore, the best knock out the pictures on the street (come a balcony or loggia). But note that on the balcony of uneven illumination, and the light is usually located on one side. Therefore it is desirable to put to one side of the big picture of a blank sheet of paper or white cloth. Light reflected from the street white and create additional lighting for the picture. As a result, overall coverage will be more uniform.
Ideal lighting - the day on the street, cloudy weather.
light should not fall by the photographer, it's best ....
The whole article can be read at the artist .
Artist Valery Рыбаков
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Friday, December 12, 2008
Spanish Painting By Barbara Weber
Difference between acrylic and oil paints for creation of paintings. Though these two materials also serve one purpose - to a paint as them of paintings - however properties of these paints absolutely different.
I had periods when I very much took a great interest acrylic in paints for a writing of paintingque paintings. It seemed to me that ideally and about an oil paint and to think it is possible to forget.
And that is why:
acrylic the paint quickly dries
has no characteristic smell
it is quickly washed off from hands
acrylic a paint it is possible (and it is necessary) to plant with water
and one more important feature acrylic - having put the necessary layer on a painting canvas it is possible to wait for a paint a little and it is possible to put repeatedly the following correcting layer (in oil paintings such to make it is rather problematic)
All seems remarkably and that else I am necessary for a happy :-) life For comparison I will give an example two my pictures about one plan: one picture is written acrylic by a paint, other picture - oil. On my Gallery-site there are more detailed (increased) details of these paintings to look them it is possible here and here .
written by oil painting though and it is much more difficult to write paintings - but oil painting has obvious advantages in comparison with acrylic painting. Colours of oil painting brighter, much more sated
if to look at a painting at a short distance that a painting written acrylic a paint it seems simply flat. And dabs of oil painting (especially at creation of paintings with the help acrylic ) a volume, thick in thick and "generous" paint coat. It is easy for seeing in the description to any my picture on my Gallery-site (
acrylic a paint "young enough" paint (it is invented and introduced in broad masses not so long ago) and creating your "masterpiece" nobody will give you guarantees as this acrylic a paint will lead herself in due course
And the oil paint for a writing of oil painting is checked up by centuries! But the oil paint for a writing of oil paintings on a canvas was not as though good - unfortunately it has in my opinion and lacks:
after the work termination ...
read full article on a site artist Rybakow ( ) Articles about painting, secrets creation paintingsArtist Valery Rybakow
On site materials:
Thursday, December 11, 2008
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Разница между акриловой and oil paints to create paintings.
Although these two materials, and serve one purpose - to write their paintings - but
properties of these colors are totally different. I've had times when I was very fond of
acrylics for writing of paintings. It seemed to me that this is an ideal
and oil paint and think you can forget.
And here's why:
acrylic paint dries quickly
has no characteristic odor
quickly washed away with
acrylic paint can (and should) be diluted with water
is another important feature of acrylic paint - causing the right layer
canvas paintings can wait a bit and you can re apply the following adjustment layer (in
oil painting
is done very problematic )
Everything seems fine and what else you need for a happy life
For comparison I will example of two of my paintings about the same plan: a picture painted
acrylic paint another picture - oil. On my Gallery site
are more detailed (Enlarged) detail of these paintings you can see
here .
Now I will tell why I became an ardent supporter of oil painting. Pictures
written oil paintings, though much harder to write - but
oil painting has obvious advantages over acrylic paintings.
color oil painting brighter , much
if you look the picture at close range the picture is painted with acrylic paint
just seems flat. A strokes of oil painting
(especially when creating paintings with palette-knife) volume ,
carrying a thick and " generous " coat of paint. It's easy to see
in the description to any picture on my my
Galleria site
( ) .
acrylic paint rather "young" paint (invented and implemented in
masses not so long ago), and creating your "masterpiece", you will not let nobody
guarantee like this Acrylic paint will behave over time. A oil paint to write an oil painting verified
centuries !
But how good was not oil paint to write the oil paintings on canvas
- unfortunately it has in my opinion and disadvantages :
after the end of all trades in oil paint, which is washed
only "strongly smelling" solvent
svezhenapisannaya picture published in a room is not very pleasant smell
and most negative (For me) the property of oil paint - it
SLOWLY dries !
Yet for me, "closer to the soul" is an oil painting with oil paints
with all its pros and cons!
on this Site :
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Painting By Barbara Weber
Hello! I artist Valery Rybakow and I am glad to present you my author's dispatch. In this dispatch I will try to tell in detail and well to you about secrets and methods of creation of paintings ONLY palette knife . To show evident video of creation of a painting and videoclips of paintings In the following dispatch we will begin with the first secret of drawing palette knife .
p.s. Design of the first dispatch so to say the test. With quantity of dispatches I will increase their presentableness.
Your artist, Valery Rybakow
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Здравствуйте! Я художник Валерий Рыбаков and I am pleased to introduce you to my author's mailing list. In this list I'll try to detail and is available to tell you secrets and methods of creating paintings ONLY palette knife . Show graphic video create pictures and videos of paintings in the next newsletter will begin with first secret Drawing palette knife .
ps design of the first pitch so to speak test. With the amount of deliveries will increase them presentable.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
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Saturday, November 29, 2008
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