Whether you love CLOUDS so strongly - as I love them …
In this ART SITE I have decided to devote following article to CLOUDS. To clouds. The name of this article has come to to me mind by itself: whether «you Love clouds so strongly - as I love them».
Many of us in the childhood having appeared on the nature liked to lay in the summer on a cool green grass and to look in the sky. And before us floated clouds of the various form and we saw and represented in these clouds freakish forms of a dragon, a silhouette of the doggie or the person of the person is possible. Ah the childhood - as cheerful and solar days well and carefree flew by!
Here and now, long looking in the sky, I do not cease to admire and admire with beauty of unique clouds. Clouds happen different: easy, gloomy, floating or hanging on one place, blue, joyful …. And how many still words it is possible to tell about clouds. Especially I like clouds in the evening before approach of cool night. The decline gets a violet-red shade. Then clouds float beautiful well-disposed ranks as if dance in a slow waltz.
It is difficult to me to transfer admiration and force of received positive emotions from supervision over a sunset. A decline - the most favourite theme in my oil paintings, which I write palette knife. I have decided to insert pair of oil paintings into this article. I hope, you dear friends, estimate my delight and sincere love which I wished to transfer in these oil painting.
The overwhelming majority of oil paintings the clouds written on a theme and a decline it is presented in a seascape (the gallery of oil paintings with a sea landscape, declines and unique force of clouds is here: www.rybakow.com/seascape_painting_for_sale.html
I will be sincerely glad you ate though receive POSITIVE emotions from viewing of my pictures on a theme of the sky, clouds and fine declines a little.
Yours, artist Valery Rybakow http://www.rybakow.com/